Best Scholarships for Graduate Students in 2024

One of the biggest misconceptions about student debt is that it is mostly impacting college students. The reality is that graduate school student debt is growing at an even more rapid pace. Luckily there are several great graduate student scholarships available!

Even though the majority of scholarships are available to undergraduate students, graduate students have plenty of scholarship opportunities – if they know where to look. In this article, you will learn where to find graduate school scholarships, how they work, and how to apply.

What is a graduate school scholarship?

Graduate school scholarships are given to students who have completed their bachelor’s degree and are looking for funding for graduate or professional school.

If you want to avoid graduating with tens of thousands in student loans, then applying for graduate school scholarships should be a primary strategy.

You can start by contacting your prospective school’s financial aid department and asking them how to apply for grants, scholarships, and fellowships. You may be automatically considered for scholarships when you complete the initial application, but it doesn’t hurt to double-check.

Many graduate students can work as teaching assistants or research assistants to help cover their tuition. This work often entails grading papers, teaching intro-level courses, developing quizzes or exams, and more. However, this work can be time-consuming and make it harder for students to focus on their studies.

That’s why applying for graduate school scholarships is a better idea. You can use the funds for almost any education-related expense, and you don’t have to trade your valuable time for money.

How to apply for a graduate school scholarship

Graduate school scholarships are less common than awards for undergraduate students, so you need to be more strategic when looking for scholarship opportunities. Start the scholarship application process early, as soon as you decide you’re going to apply to graduate school. helps you find graduate school scholarships you are eligible for. After you receive your personalized list of scholarship matches, you can mark your favorite scholarships and begin applying. Remember to set goals. For example, apply for 2 scholarships per week for 8 weeks. It’s never too late to apply for scholarships, so even those in their last year of grad school can still find awards.

If you’re still working while you’re in school, you may be able to get a scholarship or tuition assistance from your employer. For example, Chick-fil-A’s True Inspiration Scholarship awards $25,000 to current team members who will be attending undergraduate or graduate school and who have demonstrated financial need. You must have worked there for at least 12 months and be an employee in good standing.

Some scholarships are open to all graduate students, whereas others are designed for those in a specific major or career path. Some scholarships may be available for both undergraduate and graduate students, while others may only be given to graduate students.

For example, the Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship is only given to graduate students interested in protecting the wilderness. There will be two awards given, each worth $25,000. Applicants must be attending an accredited graduate program in the U.S.

Can professional students also apply for graduate school scholarships?

Professional school is typically defined as post-graduate studies for professional training, including medical school and law school. This is slightly different from graduate school.

There are many types of scholarships for professional school students. For example, the Earl Warren Scholarship is given to a current law school student interested in civil rights. This $15,000 annual award can be renewed for three years, for a $45,000 total. Only U.S. citizens attending an accredited law school are eligible to apply. Only those in their first or second year of law school may qualify.

Those studying medicine can also qualify for scholarships. For example, the National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program is awarded to students pursuing a career in the healthcare industry, including those in medical school. You may receive a monthly stipend for living expenses, as well as funds for tuition, expenses and more.

You must be planning to work as one of the following:

  • Dentist
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Nurse midwife
  • Physician
  • Physician assistant

Scholarship winners have to work in an underserved area for a few years after graduation. These areas are known as Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA), and they may be in rural or urban settings.

Can Ph.D. students also apply for graduate school scholarships?

Some graduate school scholarships are available to anyone pursuing a degree other than a Bachelor’s or associate’s degree. This includes graduate and professional degrees, as well as a Ph.D.

If you’re currently getting your Ph.D., there are plenty of scholarship opportunities available. For example, the Ford Foundation Fellowship program is open to predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral students. Students who are still in graduate school, who are working on their Ph.D. and who are doing postdoctoral research, can apply.

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